Holding Distracted And Drunk Drivers Accountable
Every year in New Mexico, hundreds of innocent drivers, passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists are injured by negligent motorists requiring the help of lawyers for dangerous or distracted driving lawsuits in Las Cruces.
Distracted driving has become an increasingly serious problem as cellphones have become commonplace: Many drivers still choose to put others in danger by using their cellphones while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
There is no excuse for a driver who puts others at unreasonable risk of harm. Drivers should be held accountable for their wrongful actions. The experienced personal injury attorneys at McGraw Law, LLC, are dedicated to holding negligent drivers accountable. For a free consultation, call us at 575-523-4321.
Were You Injured By A Drunk Driver?
It is no secret that driving and alcohol do not mix. Alcohol is involved in about 40 percent of the traffic crashes where someone is killed. There is no excuse for putting others on the road at risk. If you are a victim of a drunk driver, you should speak to an attorney to get help.
Sanchez et al v. Miller et al
The Sanchez family suffered serious injuries when an intoxicated driver who was driving against oncoming traffic at speeds in excess of 80 mph struck their vehicle head on. Attorney Mollie McGraw successfully litigated a lawsuit on behalf of the Sanchez family against the intoxicated driver’s auto insurance company and the Sanchez family’s own auto insurance company for failing to provide coverage for the injuries.
Lawyers for Dangerous or Distracted Driving Lawsuits in Las Cruces
To speak with Attorney Mollie McGraw, please call us at 575-523-4321 or contact us online.
Source: New Mexico DWI Information, available online at mvd.newmexico.gov