You probably didn’t wake up this morning thinking about filing a civil lawsuit, and you may not worry about becoming a victim of crime. However, you might wonder what you could do if someone’s negligence harmed you or one of your children.
Beyond calling the police, many people do not know how to handle dangerous situations. Though, while there is a small chance you or a loved one could become a victim of crime, you might want to prepare by learning what your rights are.
There are numerous people you may choose to hold accountable
Among civil lawsuits, situations vary greatly, and so do the people who should be held accountable – either for your maltreatment or their carelessness.
Unfortunate circumstances could arise virtually anywhere, such as in a public place, in your home, or at your place of employment. As such, depending on your circumstances, you might decide to file a civil suit against a:
- Reckless or drunk driver
- Person who abuses their position of authority
- Boss who intentionally puts you at risk
- Landlord who provides inadequate security or safety measures
- Family member who causes you harm
Sometimes you can resolve escalated situations on your own. However, other times, you might need an experienced litigator to help you get what you deserve.
What could you accomplish?
Through bringing a civil lawsuit against someone who wronged you, you could:
- Share your story
- Hold a perpetrator accountable for their actions
- Receive compensation for the injuries or damage they caused
You may also be able to set an example for others who are lacking in security, safety or accident prevention measures.
Depending on the situation, filing a civil lawsuit may not help you regain all you lost in your past. However, you might find some satisfaction in knowing you did everything you could to change the future for someone else.
Learn more about our firm and how we might be able to help here.